In the United States, there are over 35 Million single adults over the age of 25 in search of their ideal partner. A recent Newsweek story estimates that 20 percent of married Americans have sex no more than 10 times a year, which is how experts define a sexless marriage.
For the male half of these groups, solving the mystery of what women really desire in their partner has been a complex challenge with no success. By becoming a Good Bad Boy, we will help remedy this societal malady.
is an art, and probably the single most important skill you must acquire and
become proficient at if you are to be a Good Bad Boy. Flirtation can be one of
the most fun and rewarding activities a man can do, if he does it from a
balanced perspective with no fixed agenda. As with many other items, if you approach flirtation with preconceived
notions and lofty expectations, you will probably end up very frustrated and
feel completely outside of your own power.Expert flirtation starts with the very simple, but key concept that’s
been repeated throughout this book – Less
Is More. In
all interactions with women it is always fatal if you appear to be trying too
hard or are way too eager to please or make a favorable impression.An important notion to always bear in mind
is that if you appear unconcerned (do not confuse this with
uninterested) at first that will pique the interest of a woman much faster than
if you take a direct route.Women have
been getting hit on all their lives, and have heard it all, usually from guys
without a clue. By simply a taking a
contrary route, you'll get much, much further along.The route you will take is flirtation, the
Good Bad Boy way.Flirtation is a
‘getting to know you’ process, but it involves pacing, subtlety, patience and
the ability to think on your feet.
concerned about evolving as a Good Bad Boy, and developing the habit of
regularly acting from within yourself towards women, simply by just being you.This will reap immediate benefits; you will
be a man acting on how he feels, being genuine, and communicating in a
forthright manner.
By being yourself,
and your actions coming from the inside out, you will be far less reactive and
not find yourself trying to fit into a mold of what another person desires just
to make points.More importantly, you’ll
feel better about yourself, you will strengthen your resolve and
self-assurance, and all of this will just add to your allure and attractiveness
to the opposite sex. The first step in
this all-important process is to establish the foundation of seduction, and
that is learning how to master flirtation with women.
In terms of
becoming a Good Bad Boy, there is nothing more important than becoming a
skilled seducer.For better or worse, it
is the man’s responsibility in our society to do the pursuing, and the women
have the role of being pursued.Like
everything else, both sides of this dating equation have their good and bad
I’ve heard many men whine about
how they have to do all the work in getting a date with a woman, and like it or
not, that’s just the way it goes.You
can complain all you want and fight it, and you’ll spend a lot of time by
yourself.You’re more likely to hit the
lottery than have a beautiful woman of substance come out of the blue and chase
you down for a rendezvous.
Look at it
from the female side, they have to spend a lot of time avoiding low flying
objects (men that pursue them that they want no part of) and I’ve heard many of
them wish they could take the upper hand and just go after the guys they want
to without all the nonsense.Some very
confident women do this, but they are far and few between; this mindset is very
much against the societal upbringing for most women.
like it or not, a Good Bad Boy plays the cards he is dealt, and in this
instance, being the pursuer, he recognizes the fun and fabulous opportunity
that is handed to him. By practicing
Good Bad Boy techniques, there will now be access to a level of self-control in
all interactions with women, so the frustrations many men have in terms of
‘trying to read’ women will be somewhat neutralized.
By being much more proactive, men now have a
fun opportunity to star in their own ‘life movie.’ This is a key point, for it will alter the
ineffective dynamic that you’ve been operating under when engaging women, you
are now going to start discovering what it is you really want, and then
actively going out at trying to attain it.
Don’t concern yourself with the results now, they will come in
as opposed to the above character defects, involves self-assurance.It defines a feeling of emotional security
derived from a faith in oneself.Confidence is an instinctive certainty in your powers, capabilities and
competence.Having confidence means you
don’t have to tell anyone how confident you are, it shows in your actions.It has nothing to do with what you do in the
outside world, but everything to do with who you are – on the inside.
no male was born with confidence when it comes to females.Some are lucky and gain it earlier than
others, and others hide behind their possessions and accomplishments and
pretend confidence.Some never really
gain it at all, and still manage to stumble into a relationship with a
woman. Women find confidence in a man
attractive, and they find a man that has confidence when it comes to women really
attractive.Since males are void of this
confidence to begin with, how are they possibly expected to become skillful
with women?Confidence comes with doing
things repeatedly and then finally reaching a point knowing you can accomplish
what you’ve set out to do.You have to
practice, practice, practice – and then practice some more.Good Bad Boys are always practicing, and as
artists and students of women, are always honing their craft.
‘Fine’, you
say, ‘but what am I supposed to practice?’Since you now have a very basic understanding of the behaviors that
women find attractive and the traits they abhor, it’s time to venture out into
the real world of pursuing women the Good Bad Boy Way.With patience, you will do a significantly
better job of gaining the attention of women than you have been doing
before.You are now going to boost your
confidence in a way that you’ve never experienced before.
You are
now going to learn how to properly seduce a woman.
If you need
to boast about your job, possessions, boats, houses, bank account or other
items of money, property or prestige, you’re only kidding yourself if you think
this is the essence of confidence.You
are deluded if you think all this stuff makes you more attractive to women with
substance.Not only will they be
unimpressed, they will view you as someone who is pathetic.One great example of this was the story of a
man who was vertically challenged trying to impress a woman I’ve known for many
years, trying to get her to go out on a date with him:
One of
his opening lines was, “You know, I’m someone who has a lot of money.”
feigned being impressed for a moment, and then said, “Really?Wow.So how tall are you when you stand on your wallet?”
expectations are a big limitation on your thinking.You’ve just met a new woman, and there’s a
physical chemistry, a mutual attraction.This is always a good start, but men usually drop the ball from
here.This woman has already gotten
quite far being who she is, and your responsibility is to go find out exactly
what that is.Likely she’ll be a whole
lot more interesting and appealing than the limited ideal you had to begin
with.Don’t ever underestimate the
importance of a bright, cute woman who thinks you’re a big deal.Think Less!Open your mind and your heart might just follow it, if you’re
By now
you should have enough of an understanding of what women respond to positively
and negatively to traverse further down the Good Bad Boy path.Now is a very good opportunity to discuss
something that every woman finds very desirable – confidence.
defining what confidence means, it’s smart to know exactly what it isn’t.It isn’t bragging, boastfulness, conceit,
self-importance, vanity, snobbery or arrogance.Fall into any of these behavior characteristics and women will likely
crinkle up their noses at the foul aroma your personality is emitting, turn on
their heels and walk away.If you don’t
know what the difference between confidence and these other less than wholesome
attributes are, you need to learn this distinction right now.
also will aid you in maintaining a balance is to purge your consciousness of
previous notions of women in general. You’re probably like many men and see a new
woman you may potentially date as a replication of some cover girl from the
latest flashy magazine or website trying to fire up your testosterone.Not only that, she must be sharp minded.It’s probably not occurred to you that if
this is the standard you hold women to, she’s got a better mind than you
do.The bottom line is if she’s cute,
sexy, and reasonably bright and thinks you’ve got something going on that works
for her, you’re miles ahead of the unrealistic dreamers that are going home
from the clubs inebriated to cuddle and drool onto their pillows--alone.
On the
other side, giving has a number of dimensions.We discussed in the previous chapter the importance of doing kind deeds
without expectation of anything in return.The same goes for giving.Giving
should be done unconditionally, simply because the act itself is one that makes
you feel better, and consequently, makes the woman you’re involved with feel
better as well.Giving, in the Good Bad
Boy’s thinking, is an extension of how he feels about the woman he’s involved
with.It’s an opportunity to manifest
through actions the emotions that are there, and it is a very powerful form of
it is an impossible feat for most men to thoroughly understand women, one
aspect of them that is required knowledge is that women are for the most part
nurturers.This means they are natural
givers, and do so in a manner that is not about control, it’s just the way
women are wired.Being able to receive
from them unconditionally is essential in maintaining a natural balance.More importantly, it is a guy’s responsibility
to give back to a woman to help balance the giving she is doing.This means not only the small things like
knowing and remembering things that are important to her, but going above and
beyond expectations with surprises.Surprises need not be material things, such as trinkets, flowers or
other goodies, although they will always be welcome. A reliable way to surprise her is to break
with the usual routine.Get off work
early and surprise her with the fact that you’ve cooked dinner and set a romantic
mood for her to walk into.This will
always get a good reaction, unless you’re such a rotten chef that you’ve burned
the crown roast.No matter, you’ve made
the effort and started an evening that will segue nicely when you then take her
out to dinner at a restaurant.Taking
these steps shows that you do not take a woman for granted, and that’s she’s
appreciated.And by giving, you get to
keep the flow of circulation that is essential to the Circle of Giving and
Receiving.Breaking with routine is good
to practice on a regular basis, but don’t overdo it.The value of being consistent with your words
and deeds should never be underestimated. Be consistent but don’t get into a
rut with your routine.
Any good
relationship, whether it is a new, sexually charged casual encounter or a
marriage of many years, requires a level of balance to exist over time.Giving and receiving is a key component of
this balance.Any relationship where one
of the parties gets far more attention than the other or is spending much more
time tending to the needs of the other is unbalanced, dysfunctional and
unhealthy. This is not to say that
things should be equal every minute of every day, since people tend to sometimes
be more inclined to give than receive and vice versa.However, over time, things should generally
equal out, at least to acceptable levels for the man and the woman.
let’s make some distinctions.There is a
big difference between receiving and taking, and the difference is in
the perception, actions and attitude of the recipient.Receiving involves recognition, gratitude,
appreciation, kindness and consideration in regard to the other person’s
efforts.Taking is simply emotional
theft – seizing what that other person offers to you with little or no thought
of thanks or appreciation. It’s obvious
that taking is unkind and heartless, and those are characteristics that Good
Bad Boys never associate themselves with.In a balanced equation between people, there will be a comparable level
of giving and receiving.Allowing a more
feminine side to emerge involves being able to effectively give and receive.
The next
important principal in harmonizing your masculine and feminine sides is
learning about the balance between giving and receiving.On the surface, giving and receiving seems
simple enough, but be assured that it is quite challenging.This is a highly important area as far as
being clear on the inside and then translating those feelings and instincts
into actions that go out into the world around you.Again – Think Less and Feel More.
back and take a look at the outside world for a moment.The ultimate authority in Nature is
balance.The size of a herd of animals
is balanced against what the land can provide it and the predators that hunt
it.If any of these elements goes out
of balance, the other elements are thrown off as well.If there is not enough food for a herd off
the land, the herd suffers loss and the predators have less for their own and
they suffer as well.If there is a lack
of hunters, the herd gets too numerous, and the land cannot support them,
suffers overuse and the herd overpopulates and can’t sustain itself.Striking a balance allows for equilibrium
between you and other women; an essential balance that has many layers.Being able to effectively receive as well as
give without condition is vitally important.
It is
now time to venture further into territory that will baffle most males, but be
assured, gaining understanding of it will significantly increase your
attractiveness to women.We’re now going
to examine how to access your feminine side.
already touched on one of the basic foundations of accessing the feminine side,
that being the ability to effectively express your feelings.Too often men have been taught that
expressing their feelings is a sign of weakness, and this is quite
unfortunate.Nothing could be further
from the truth, at least from the view of women that I’ve known. Although sometimes it was not easy for me,
the times where I was able to communicate through deep sadness or high elation
how I felt to a woman, it helped forge a very strong emotional bridge between
us.Take the following to heart, so to
speak – effectively showing and expressing how you feel is a sign of strength,
not weakness. A real man will cry
without hesitation when truly sad, and laugh until he can’t breathe when overcome
with joy.Boys don’t show how they feel;
men are comfortable with their feelings and know the importance and
significance of them.This is accessing
your feminine side, and women will instinctively be drawn to you because of it.
When the Good Bad Boy and Mr.
Nice Guy are put side by side and interact in the proper manner, leading with
their strengths, then we have the type of man that we want to become, and the
man that many, many women really desire. This is a vital notion, because in
regard to trust, a woman will be more than happy to play with a sexy boy, but
she will only surrender her heart and soul--and trust--to a man who is genuine
and authentic.
real man is passionate.In olden tales
he was valiant and easily faced danger. His heart is that of a lion, strong,
wild yet loyal to those close to him. The daring, dashing, swashbuckling guy
that maybe doesn’t have it all figured out, but knew where he stood with women
because he understood and loved them. Women yearn for this man and want to be swept away by him. Gain a
woman’s trust and you’ve taken a giant step towards becoming this man.This is the type of man that many of them
will turn themselves over to willingly once that precious trust is gained.It is an effort that all Good Bad Boys make
and persevere through until they reach this goal, knowing how crucial it is in
relation to everything that follows after it.Now that the importance of acquiring a woman’s deep trust is understood,
it is time to move on to the next area in our probing of the female
bear in mind that trust is earned and you can spend years building it
but lose it all in a clueless moment.Building
trust is a process you can control only in respect to your actions, which especially
includes what you say.This is where Mr.
Nice Guy is in order – follow his lead in terms of being respectful and
kind.One of the biggest goals here is
that when in the company of a woman, your words, deeds and action are that of a
confident, poised MAN.Say what you mean and mean what you say!