Sunday, December 16, 2012

Feeling Your Way Through.....

We’ve already touched on one of the basic foundations of being more circular and accessing the feminine side - that being the ability to effectively express your feelings. Too often men have been taught that expressing their feelings is a sign of weakness, and this is quite unfortunate.

Nothing could be further from the truth, at least from the view of women that I’ve known. Although sometimes it was not easy for me, the times where I was able to communicate through deep sadness or high elation how I felt to a woman, it helped forge a very strong emotional bridge between us. My upbringing as a male in this society has made it more challenging to easily communicate in this regard, being shown that acting more unemotional is more masculine. If you don’t know this already, take the following to heart – effectively showing and expressing how you feel is a sign of strength, not weakness.

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